Traversing Tradition

This blog may not present in a traditional manner. . . in the words of great John Tardy of Obituary, “I don’t care! I do what I want!”

Writing lyrics and poetry has always been a part of me. I tend to write more prolifically in words than music. Out of a desire to share my writing, perhaps a way of allowing for some legacy or at least document that I’m more than a 2 dimensional worker bee in my life. Art in all of it’s forms breeds humanity, this is a large portion of my life and inspirations.

Partially spurred by underappreciation in a place where I have sent 13+ years of my life, it is now time to start focusing more on the joys and creativity in life as opposed to being the bee. Don’t feel like this is the plea of a soulless worker that has nothing to live for, there are tons of positive elements to my life. I have love, friendship, support and compassion in avenues that I appreciate and even some I may not even realize the full extent of which are present.

As blog number one I suppose this is a little traditional. It is also just serving as an introduction, my heart of hearts would just post and let you all figure it out but this feels a little more vulnerable and in turn I believe we all need some of that in this world right now. If that turns you on, turns you off or turns some other response that could be a mixture of feelings not easily described then embrace it and perhaps return or subscribe to see if my words can inspire, infuriate, or perhaps provide a moment of contemplation.

Short essays, short stories, rambling thoughts based loosely around some concept in my brain, poetry and lyricisms can be found here. Some may seem vague, hard to pin point or perhaps just goofy or random. It’s how my brain works. I have to vomit it out. Meaning is derived from the reader. Unless I post an opinion piece it is for you to decide and see what it may mean to you.

It should go without saying, don’t be a shit head, sometimes I may use words inappropriately (slightly or blatantly), things might not come to the logical point you would draw, or might not be aligned with your personal views. If you want to give me feedback via email I welcome it, but this is not the place to cast dispersions as creativity is just that! It holds no definitions or boundaries. This is a personal platform not farcebook, instantham, twittler! (although you can find me on those places for some reason, hahaha)

A big inspiration for starting this site is the loss that has been all too heavy over the last year. Being unable to physically hold our loved ones and not wanting to gush emotionally over text or phone as sometimes its just processing for ones self and not always helpful to everyone around you. This has left me with the the realization that life is too short to just keep projects and pieces of writing in my brain or my phone where they do no good, do no harm, and ultimately only gets the ‘venom’ out.

In Memorium – Rest in Peace to loved ones that my closest family, friends and myself mourn and continue to honor in our memories and deeds: C. Robert “Uncle Bob” Barnett, Chris “Spanky” Hughes, Jon Benjamin “Ben” Sippel. You all left such huge impacts on those you cast your light upon and we are all grateful to have the times we got to spend together.

As well as a countless list of inspirational persons I never knew personally but have forever etched themselves into my heart by being geniuses in their own right. To name a few: “Dimebag” Darrell Abbott, Edward Van Halen, Martin Eric Ain, Denis “Piggy” D’amour, Peter Steele, Vinnie Paul, Kurt Cobain, Layne Staley as well as many others. (Yes I realize some of these individuals have passed many years ago)

Live your life unapologetically with good intentions and that alone will endear you to so many no matter the darkness that you may wrestle with in your soul.

The “real” blog number one:


Ability to adapt

Back and forth

Superficially aligned

Be kind

Not Maligned

Work within a system

Advanced human constructs




Cast aside ego

Anarchistic Drive

Moral Balance

Return to

Ways of the earth

Empty Progression

Unintentional Regression

Free will

No singular goal

Complex field of emotions

Traversing tradition

Without change

Nothing is the same

Thanks for indulging in this compilation of thoughts transcribed here. If you desire to continue reading lease subscribe for electronic smoke signals, if not then oh well . . .

4 thoughts on “Traversing Tradition

  1. Nice work Beau. I have a wordpress site that I’ve been wanting to start a blog on. For years. You’ve inspired me.


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